Chemistry one of “World’s best London Dry Gins”: IWSC
The International Wine and Spirits Competition has included New Zealand’s Chemistry Gin in its list of the 10 best London Dry Gins from the 2023 competition.
Doctor’s gin wins on world stage: Gold medal for New Zealand’s Chemistry Gin at 2024 World Gin Awards
A gin created by a New Zealand doctor has won a gold medal at the 2024 World Gin Awards. Chemistry Gin has won Gold in the Contemporary Gin category.
Pride in print award champion
Another win for the stunning Chemistry Gin packaging — this time from New Zealand’s Pride in Print Awards, where the Chemistry Gin label won MCC Auckland both a Gold medal, and the overall Label Category win. Go team!
IWSC win for Chemistry Gin
A New Zealand gin that launched just six months ago has won a silver medal at the International Wine and Spirits Competition in London.
gold medal at women’s wine and Spirit awards 2023
We’re delighted to announce Chemistry Gin has won a Gold medal at the Women’s Wine and Spirit Awards 2023 in London.
design award: gold medal for chemistry gin at Designers Institute of New Zealand
Chemistry Gin has won Gold at the Designers Institute of New Zealand “Best Awards”.
Our packaging made a huge impression and we’re delighted to win a Gold award in this prestigious competition. Congratulations to our talented team from SingleDouble who created this dazzling label design!
Nearly there!
Chemistry Gin is about to launch! Here’s a sneak peek at our beautiful labels hot off the press!